For the Parents… Back to School Hair Tips

Heading back to your school for children might not be the greatest pleasure after a long relaxing summer. New people, new teachers and even a new school can be a nerve racking experience for some. However parents can make it more fun and exciting by allowing them to sport a brand new and stylish back to school hair style.

Elementary School

Elementary school students have very active days that often include outdoor activities, recess, and energetic games inside and outside the classroom. Therefore, an elementary student needs a hair style that won’t restrict their participation in activities but will still stay put all day. For boys at this age, shorter cuts like fades or buzz cuts work well because they rarely want to stand still to have their hair brushed or styled with product. For little girls hair should be kept at a medium to long length. Ponytails, pigtails or braids are excellent options. Girls who don’t want their hair put up may prefer headbands or other simple accessories that are easy for small hands to manage.

Junior High

Junior high students are just starting to discover their personal style in terms of fashion, hair styles and behavior. It can be difficult to find just the right school styles for these tweens. The fun, carefree styles that were perfect in elementary school are now too young for junior high. Great back to school looks for junior high girls may include face-framing layers on long to medium length hair that can be worn pin straight (flat iron) or in loose waves (curling iron) More elaborate hair accessories such as hats, headbands and decorative hair jewelry will allow them to be creative and ever changing. Most boys will do well with a style that is quick and easy yet stylish. Boys at this age may still want a simple buzz cut, or want to try something new like spikes, a french crop or to grow their hair to a medium length layered style.

High School

High school students tend to exhibit the widest range of hair styles. Many high school students are pushing the boundaries of new hair styles to find ways to express themselves and their beliefs as they begin to develop an adult identity. Many parents may find these hair styles alarming or questionable, but there is no harm in letting students try new looks to find just what suits them.

Teenage girls tend to focus in on the “hot” celebrity or pop stars hairstyles of the moment. These styles may involve elaborate precision haircuts and the need to highlight or color the hair. Shorter styles like a pixie or an asymmetrical bob with a long bang my now be of interest.

One of the ways teen boys will try and find their independence is cutting/ coloring their own hair or have a friend do it; at other times they may find a reputable stylist who can provide a contemporary look. Fearful of peer criticism, they often try out the latest looks to appear to be “in style.” Longer hair on teenage boys is all the rage. Keeping it layered and messy looks best.



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